One of the main goals of European Digital Treasures is to generate added value, visibility and economic profitability of European archives, through the identification and implementation of new business models and activities.
To pursue this aim, the project organises, among other activities, one training and exchange workshop scheduled for the first trimester of 2021 in Spain, that tackles two big topics:
New business models
The project partners and experts will present good practices from the research activities:
Pan-European Diagnosis and State of the Arts, that consists on a mapping of key data on the existing managerial models being applied so far at the international archives; and the
International benchmark that identifies good practices and new trends in the management of cultural institutions, in order to be able to assess their potential and implementation towards the Archives subsector.
Spanish State Archives, in charge of the development of the Diagnosis and the International Benchmark, alongside ICARUS members will be designing and guiding this first session.
Innovation on new digital exponential technologies towards the generation of business models
The second session will focus on how ICT can contribute to improve and generate new disruptive business models. In that framework, experts will discuss and explain how new business models are being generated through innovation in new exponential digital technologies.

Provisional Thematic Areas of the second session are:
I. Artificial Intelligence and Analytical Tools
II. User-generated Content
III. Digital Records Management
IV. Archival Services in the 21st Society
The workshop will count on 8 experts (their names and biographies will be published in due time) and will be orientated at reaching about 50 archivists and managers from across the EU geography (these figures might change according to the COVID-19 sanitation protocol of the moment) . If you are interested we will open an entry form when dates are confirmed. The working sessions will be recorded and uploaded on the EDT website.
The working language and the materials generated for the experts will be in English.